Millions of pilgrims journey to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia every year to perform the holy pilgrimage of Umrah. Though it is not obligatory and not one of the five pillars of Islam, Umrah brings in its wake a good deal of reward.
Undoubtedly, Umrah is considered one of the holiest experiences, but what does it constitute? This blog covers all the important aspects of Umrah, starting from what Umrah means and a bit of its history to the preparation and rules for it. So, without any further ado, let’s dive right into the holy world of the Umrah pilgrimage.
What is Umrah in Islam?
Umrah is a religious pilgrimage undertaken by Muslims globally every year. Simply stated, Umrah is the smaller and simpler version of the holy pilgrimage of Hajj. Pilgrims travel to the holy city of Mecca to perform the Umrah pilgrimage. It is a voluntary act of love, devotion, and spirituality that can be performed at any time of the year except during the Hajj season.
Umrah is beloved Sunnah, providing a delightful opportunity to refresh one’s faith and wash away the imperfections of one’s soul. It consists of performing tawaf – the circling of the holy Kaaba seven times, and performing Sa’ee, walking/running between the hills of Safa and Marwa seven times.
Umrah is neither a compulsory religious duty nor a pillar of Islam. Yet, it is a beloved pilgrimage undertaken by able-bodied pilgrims globally every year to show gratitude and seek forgiveness from the almighty Allah.
Historical Overview of Umrah
The history of Umrah and its origins date back to 622 CE when Muslims of Mecca, along with Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), migrated (Hijra) to Madinah to avoid persecution. However, performing Umrah and visiting the holy Kaaba remained a sincere desire in the hearts of Muslims. So in 628 CE, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) revived the practices of Umrah by journeying towards Mecca with his followers.
The Prophet (PBUH) was refused entry by the Quraysh tribe. He (PBUH) refused to enter forcefully out of respect for the holy Kaaba. Following this encounter, diplomatic negotiations took place, resulting in the Treaty of Hudaibiyyah, in which Muslims were allowed to enter Mecca for three days every year to perform Umrah.
Following this, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) performed Umrah multiple times, and today, it has become a practice for Muslims seeking spiritual fulfilment.
Importance of Umrah
Muslims perform Umrah to follow the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and to achieve the purification of their souls. Unlike the mandatory Hajj, this is not an obligator pilgrimage; it can be performed at any time of the year. Some major reasons for Muslims to perform Umrah are as follows:
- Spiritual Purification – Umrah is considered a way of purifying one’s soul and washing off sins. This would be a great path toward spiritual rejuvenation and seeking forgiveness from Allah.
- Following the Sunnah – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) performed Umrah, and Muslims to date follow his example by performing it.
- Gaining Proximity to Divinity – Umrah allows one to draw closer to Allah through prayer, reflection, and worship in sacred cities such as Mecca and Madinah.
- Fulfilment of a Holy Quest – Many consider the visit to these holy cities, Mecca and Madinah, as a lifelong desire that fills their spiritual void.
- Aiming for Repentance – Umrah may be a time when one may seek forgiveness from Allah for sins committed in the past, and this journey is considered an atonement, rebooting into a new life cycle.
What Differentiates Umrah from Hajj
There are many differences between Hajj and Umrah. The Hajj pilgrimage is a compulsory religious duty and the fifth pillar of Islam that all able-bodied and financially sound individuals must fulfil. Hajj can only be performed at a specific time during the year.
On the other hand, Umrah is a non-compulsory pilgrimage that can be undertaken at any time during the year except during the Hajj season. Umrah is also comparatively shorter than Hajj.
How Many Days Umrah Takes?
Planning for an Umrah trip can be an overwhelming experience, especially for first-time travellers. One of the questions that pops up is how many days does Umrah take? Well, if you wish, you could perform Umrah in one day; in fact, it won’t take more than 6 hours to complete Umrah.
However, if you are lucky enough to be in the holy cities of Mecca and Madinah, then why would you want your journey to end in just a day? This is the reason why most Umrah packages are at least longer than a week. The 15 days Umrah package is the top choice amongst the pilgrims.
Umrah Preparation
Umrah, the lesser pilgrimage, is a tremendous way of seeking forgiveness from Allah and attaining a spiritual boost. Umrah is to be performed with complete devotion and utter sincerity. However, it is not something one does regularly, so being prepared for Umrah is immensely important.
Things to Remember Before Going to Umrah;
- Mental preparation for Umrah is extremely important to perform Umrah with full sincerity and devotion.
- Seek forgiveness and repent for all your major and minor sins.
- Before you enter the state of Ihram, purify your physical self.
- Familiarise yourself with the rules of Ihram, as it is fairly easy to make completely
- avoidable mistakes.
- Learn all the necessary rituals and what you should recite when performing the said rituals.
- Make sure to carry two sets of Ihram clothing. One ihram consists of two sets of clean, white, seamless pieces of clothing.
- Make Niyyah before crossing the point of Miqat, preferably close to Miqat as you move in its direction.
- Physical preparation is also an important aspect of Umrah preparations as it involves walking long distances in unfavourable climatic conditions.
Common Mistakes to Avoid During Umrah
A lot of activities we undertake in our daily lives are forbidden during Umrah. It is utterly important to know what common mistakes to avoid during Umrah, especially for first-time pilgrims. Detailed below are the important points to keep in mind;
- Not knowing the proper procedures and duas during Umrah will render the pilgrimage unsuccessful.
- Crossing Miqat without entering the state of Ihram, making their intention
- Wearing perfume or perfumed cosmetics is not allowed during Umrah.
- Men wearing a skull cap or wearing stitched clothing is strictly prohibited.
- Engaging in sexual activity
- Killing any insects is not allowed during Umrah.
- Overcrowding, rushing and pushing should be avoided at all times.
- Shouting out dua during tawaf should be avoided as it inconveniences others engaged in their own duas.
- Hurrying through rituals without contemplating their significance is a common mistake pilgrims make during Umrah
- Swearing, anger, smoking and any other similar activities should be avoided
Rules for Umrah
Umrah has certain rules and regulations that every pilgrim must abide by to complete the pilgrimage. The rules state the requirements an individual should meet to perform Umrah. They are as follows:
- The pilgrim must be a Muslim.
- Pilgrims have to be of sound mind and in complete control of themselves.
- Another condition for Umrah is to be financially sound. This means the pilgrim
- should have enough money for Umrah on their own, should be able to support their dependants while on Umrah, etc.
- Pilgrims should be physically fit. Only an able-bodied person who can travel to Mecca and perform all rituals on either foot or wheelchair should embark on Umrah.
- The pilgrims have to be in the state of Ihram to perform Umrah successfully.
- Pilgrims cannot cut hair, shave, trim nails, or apply perfume or other perfumed cosmetics because it would invalidate the state of Ihram.
- Men must shave their heads (halq), and women have to cut their hair equal to the length of their fingertips (taqsir).
- Men must wear clean, white and unstitched clothing,, also known as Ihram and are not allowed to cover their heads tightly. Women must wear a loose-fitting dress that covers their bodies.
There are numerous such conditions that all pilgrims setting out on Umrah must meet to complete their pilgrimage successfully.
Umrah is a profound spiritual journey wherein Muslims get ample opportunity to revive their faith and pray for mercy in front of Allah. Though the act of Umrah is not obligatory, the rewards and peace of mind associated with it make it dear to many. By understanding its importance, preparing mentally and physically, and following the rules, pilgrims will be able to ensure a fulfilling and meaningful experience during the Umrah
Frequently Asked Questions
The cost incurred in the Umrah pilgrimage from India depends on the service
provider, the city you are travelling from, the duration of your stay, etc. However,
you can book the cheapest and most valuable Umrah in India with Superb Hajj
and Umrah.
It is a boundary or a designated location that pilgrims must not cross before
entering the state of Ihram. The specific point of Miqat depends on the direction
from which you are travelling to Saudi Arabia.
Ziyarat means visiting the holy sites associated with Islam. During Umrah,
pilgrims visit places like Muzdalifah, Jannat al-Mu’alla, Cave of Hira and so on for
Pilgrims make niyyah, enter the state of Ihram, and perform the various rituals of
Umrah like Tawaf, Sa’ee and Halq.
Pilgrims looking to perform Umrah from India can book amazing value-for-money
Umrah packages with Superb Hajj and Umrah.
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