Write For Us

If you are a Traveler and also have love for blogging, Tripmore welcomes you to write blog for us and promote your social media handles to our blog readers. Our website receives traffic over  1 Million+ per month. Follow the instruction which will be mentioned in this blog for a successful approval. Approval is necessary as lot of people write wrong information or does not meet the quality. You can write on anything For example, “My First  Experience with Gulmarg Gondola” or  “Pony Ride in Pahalgam” or any topic you like. In this blog let’s discuss Terms and conditions, What to do what not to and more. Let’s Start

blog tripmore

Why write for Tripmore?

Tripmore is a company based in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir. Our Website was launched in 2018 and since then we are actively working on our website and updating its contents. We have regular minimum traffic of 1 Million visitors, and maximum of 5 Million per month on our website. Writing for us would be beneficial to you as you would get traffic from our website to your linked social media. So, what are you waiting for write your first blog for us now.

One day Analytics of Tripmore

Guidelines for Writing a Blog for Us

Guidelines for writing a blog which would get approved quickly for our Website Tripmore. These are the Guidelines: 

  1. The Blog you will send for approval must meet the Tripmore’s content team’s quality standards in order to get published. Our team has right to edit the content if it needs updating as applicable for Tripmore’s website SEO
  2. The Blog should be 600 to 1000 words and should offer something valuable to our readers. You can even write less words but it won’t get ranked anywhere so its better to write the content of about 600 to 1000 words.
  3. AI Content is not allowed, Content written with AI is repetitive and lot of writers send us AI written content. Keep in mind we have paid AI Content Detectors which will automatically discard any AI content. So its a request not to use AI for your Content as it wont even reach to out editor.
  4. Image Requirements: For better reach always add at least one image to your blog. We recommend not to exceed five images per blog. Details regarding the resolution of the image will be, Image resolution is 1024*1024 pixels and image size of not more than 100KB. If you are not having your own images then please attach the source link you took the image from. Avoid copyrighted images, if your blog has copyrighted images the images will be removed for the content and we would ask for an updation.
  5. The content should be Original and not posted anywhere else. Copy paste content is also not allowed, we have plagiarism detectors for the same. We strictly follow Google’s guidelines and do not accept plagiarized content.
  6.  The blog content should be authentic and should be based on your own experience or observations. 
  7. Do not Include any type content which promotes Adult content, Alchohol or Drugs. The blogs doing so will not be accepted
  8. Do provide backlinks and start of your content with a paragraph of more than 60 words.
Blog Tripmore 1

How to Submit Blog for Tripmore?

To Submit a blog for Tripmore:

  1. Follow the Guidelines and Write the Content
  2. Send the Content on info@tripmore.in, Add this “Approve My Blog” to the email subject so that we can find your email and reply to you as soon as possible.
  3. Wait for the Approval and You are done.

Tips and Tricks To Optimize Your Blog for Tripmore

Tips and Tricks to Write optimized blog content for Tripmore:

1. Attention Grabbing Headlines:

Write Headlines (H1,H2,H3) creatively to catch attention of the reader. Headlines like “You won’t Believe How Beautiful was Gondola in Kashmir “. Doing this improves click through rates and makes contenting rankings better.

2. Do a Keyword Research:
Use relevant keywords naturally within your content to improve search engine visibility. Before writing you can go to Google Keyword Planner and submit your keyword and know exactly what people want.

3. Write Quality Content
Create high quality, valuable content that addresses the needs and interests of Travelers, Adventure lovers and Solo travelers. Solve problems, answer questions, and provide insights of your own experience.

4. Don’t Over fill Keywords
Keyword Research is a good thing, but don’t over use keywords and it will decrease the meaning and originality of the content

5. Keep it to the Point
Use short paragraphs, bullet points, and proper subheadings to break up large blocks of text. Make your content easy to read and easy to understand.

6. Don’t Forget the Alt text
As in the guidelines we already talked about adding images to the blog. Do add relevant descriptive alt text for images you upload for better optimization.

7. Internal and External Links
Add relevant internal links to other posts from Tripmore’s official website. You can also add external links from good sources for optimizing your content. Also keep in the sources should be credible and related to the context of blog you are writing.

8. Share the Approved blog link to your Social Media.
Once you get the approval for your blog, you will receive a link of your blog which you can share to your social media.  

Wrting Travel Blogs for Tripmore

Write Travel Blog for Tripmore

Writing Travel Blog for Tripmore, is possible. Just follow the guidelines and send you blog on info@tripmore.in

Write Articles about Travel on Tripmore

If you love writing about travel, why not promote yourself to an audience of 1 Million per month? Write a article for free with Tripmore. 

Travel Blogging with Tripmore

Start travel blogging now:

Kashmir Trip Blogging

Share you Kashmir Trip experience now. Write for us and promote your social media handles for free. Submit your blog now on our mail. All the details are mentioned above

Write Guest Post for Tripmore

Guest post on Tripmore now! Share your travel stories with us, and also promote yourself to a audience if over 1 Million monthly visitors. 

Read this: Kashmir tour package

Write Travel Guest Post with Tripmore

Writing a travel based guest post is a 3 step process:

  1. Write guest post according to our guidelines
  2. Submit it for approval
  3. You are done.

Share Your Own Experience with Tripmore

If you have booked any travel related service with us then you can share you experience and get featured on our blog. Above are all the details for writing to us. 

How to write guest post on Tripmore.

To write a guest post on Tripmore all you have to do is follow our guidelines while writing your blog. Then send the contect to us on info@tripmore.in, You will get approved within 48 hours.

FAQ About: Write for Us

600 to 1000 words are ideal for Tripmore Blogs

You can get approved within 48hours after sending the blog content via mail.

No, AI Written Content is not allowed

Contact number of Tripmore Team is:  7051909192

No, We don’t charge anything for approval as well as for uploading your blogs. 

Sent the blog that you have wrote on the official email of tripmore which is info@tripmore.in

No, there is no limit for word count but its suggested to add minimum of 600 and maximum of what ever you want.

Yes, You can know about the status of your blog, Simply call Tripmore at 7051909192

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